I envy Kevin (not his real name). He thinks God lives under his bed. He was praying out loud in his dark bedroom one night and I stopped to listen. “Are you there, God?” he said. “Where are you? Oh, I see. Under the bed...”
Read moreOkay, this week, you’ll be joining Julia as she tackles one of her favorite hobbies, baking.
Read moreI’m so old I can remember when folks used to “dress up” to go to church and other special places. Times have sure changed. Youngsters will spend big bucks for clothes that look like they came from a dumpster.
Read moreScammers are taking advantage of fears surrounding the Coronavirus. They’re setting up websites to sell bogus products, and using fake emails, texts, and social media posts as a ruse to take your money and get your personal information.
Read moreAtoka woman arrested for DWI
Mary Sharleen Butler, 52, Atoka, was arrested the night of February 15 for driving while impaired.
Read moreMy dentist up at the VA Hospital had me in his chair the other day and started talking about my options on long term care of my teeth. He mentioned the fact that I was nearly 85 and then spent a few moments giving me a long searching look.
Read moreTRUE LOVE: With Valentine’s Day just past, here’s a message that might cause you to stop and think:
For God so loVed the world
That He gAve His only begotten SoN
That whosoever
Believeth In Him
Read moreI watch young people protesting first one thing and then another. They seem to be always looking for a cause. So many of them seem to be filled with bitterness and hatred despite the fact they are living in the greatest country on earth and are blest beyond measure.
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